


This is number two in a series of eight outlining ingredients commonly included in so-called healthy bath products that should be avoided and that are nowhere to be found in The Bath Shoppe line of products.

What are they? Phthalates (thah-lates) are synthetic chemicals used to make plastics flexible and as a fragrance. They are a type of “endocrine disrupting” chemical; that means the affect hormones. They can be found in: toys, shampoo, body lotion, air fresheners, food packaging. Phthalates in plastic can leach out of the plastic into food and/or whatever is in the container and cause health problems. When they’re used for fragrance, they directly expose us in the air (respiratory system) and on the skin.

Why should they be avoided?

  • Higher phthalate exposure can lead to type 2 diabetes, obesity, infertility due to the effect this chemical has on hormones.
  • Phthalates can cause lower sperm count in men and early puberty in girls.
  • Certain phthalates are associated with higher rates of estrogen positive breast cancer.
  • Phthalates show an increased risk of childhood cancers.
  • Higher phthalate exposure can cause pre-term birth, lower scores on mental and psychomotor development indices at 6 months of age and higher incidence of post-partum depression.
  • Higher levels of phthalates were related to an increased risk of dying from cardiovascular disease.
  • Exposure to some phthalates also is related to increased chances of children developing asthma and eczema.
  • There have been many phthalates banned for use especially in products related to children.

How can I avoid them?

  • Avoid processed, pre-packaged foods. Phthalates are used in the packaging material as well as the equipment that processes the food. Use raw foods to cook and avoid foods wrapped in plastic.
  • Look for fragrance-free cosmetics and personal care and cleaning products. Use products that are fragranced with essential oils and the label states that. “Fragrance” stated on the label without the listing of essential oils can just be a cover for phthalates.
  • Avoid air fresheners as they emit phthalates and other chemicals that are harmful to human health. Opt for brands that are made with essential oils.
  • Avoid plastics #3 PVC, hand me down toys manufactured before 2018 (that is when many phthalates have finally been banned, but not all!) and especially those made before 2010. Research shows that although invisible to the eye, phthalates create a microscopic dust in rooms with toys and other products made with plastics that we can breathe in without knowing. Consider toys made out of wood or materials other than plastic.
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